Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I tried & i'm tired.
Keep on trying.
To be the best among all.
To have the best in life.
To cheer you up no matter what happen to me.
To be around you.
To see you smile instead of sulking.
I'm tired.
Of trying.
To be everything.
But worth nothing.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Hasil memberangsangkan siri ke 2~
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Hasil yang memberangsangkan.
Oh ya, sekadar berkongsi, hasil tinggal di rumah selama lebih 2 bulan.
Berkembang pesat tanpa rasa jemu.
Bagus betul.
Lihat gambar di bawah ini.
Oh ya Allah, da macam pipi selambak!!!
Gambar ini pulak, tengok tu, even takdak cheek bone, haaa, pipi naek chantek saja bila tersenyum. Kenapa? Itu menunjukkan isi dah padat kat pipi tuh!
Gambar bawah macam kurus sikit, tapi jangan tertipu. Dusta semata.
Gambar berbaju merah di bawah juga menunjukkan hasil yang fantastik. Ditambah dengan rona pakaian berwarna merah di tubuh. Bulat kan? Ya, nak tau apa rahsianya? Sini nak cerita~~
Yang terakhir! Taddaaaaa! Gambar dari sisi sebenar, fakta, kebenaran, asli, dari sisi hadapan!
Ya perhatikan disitu. Muka yang sememangnya bulat, gebu, tembam, montel, pakej baek punya.
Rahsia rahsia ramuan kegemukan dan ketembaman.
- Secuit kasih sayang bonda
- Sebekas air tangan bonda
- Seulas cinta bonda
- 100 gm leteran bonda
- 500 gm cubitan bonda
- 1kg salam dengan bonda pagi-pagi
- 2kg dakapan dan ciuman bonda
- Setiap hari masakan bonda
- Setiap jam mengunyap
- Setiap hari pon ayam di kedai mamak.
- hari hari bosan di hotel dan makan *ramuan khas
Perghhh~memang confirm terbaik nya lah pakej ketembaman ituh.
Tahniah kepada adibah ya, harap maklum kerana telah berjaya menaikkan berat badan sehingga hampir~~~TEEETTTT~ status dirahsiakan harap maklum.
JAdi saudara saudari sekalian, selamat beramal!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Gambar Senget
Herot petot.
Bakal memenuhi ruang blog ini.
Akibat bosan dan kekurangan sumber pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan.
harap maklum.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
To stay or not to stay.
Your life will be much more easier when i'm not around, f, m.
I'm sorry as we keep on quarreling on something silly and stupid.
As i made both of your life so complicate.
Feels like oh i'm really burdening both of you.
Sorry, sorry sorry.
Sesuatu yang dicoretkan.
Dicoretkan oleh seseorang.
Seseorang yang jarang meluahkan.
Meluahkan apa yang terpendam.
Terpendam dilubuk hati yang dalam.
Dalam sehingga sentiasa disalah tafsirkan dan diduga.
Diduga sehingga tahap kesabaran insan lain juga terduga.
Terduga oleh perkara-perkara yang tiada logika nya.
Logiknya akal bila hati tidak lagi berfungsi.
Berfungsi sejenak untuk mengadili mana yang palsu dan hakiki.
Maaf, sentiasa bersalah.
Saya kejam, harap maklum.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
AUGUST 21,2010.
The more i try to avoid you, the more you try to attract me.
The more i try to hate you, the more i realize that i love you.
The more i try to walk ahead, you always be there stopping me to do so.
The more i try to leave you behind, your shadow always haunting me.
The more i try to forget you, the more i hallucinating bout you.
The more i try to empty the spaces for you, the bigger the spaces requested.
The more i try not to miss you, the more i think i do miss you.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Guys out there. *Mode MLTR
If u find yourself totally in love with somebody, keep her close.
If you really sure that she is yours, go for her, make her yours.
And when you surely don't want to see her tears dropping after seeing you, be fast, track her back, give her the confirmation that she is waiting for.
Or else, after some times, you will keep singing this:
After some time I’ve finally made up my mind
She is the girl and I really want to make her mine
I’m searching everywhere to find her again
To tell her I love her
And I’m sorry ’bout the things I’ve done
I find her standing in front of the church
The only place in town where I didn’t search
She looks so happy in her wedding dress
But she’s crying while she’s saying this
Boy I missed your kisses all the time but this is
Twenty five minutes too late
Though you traveled so far boy I’m sorry you are
Twenty five minutes too late
Against the wind I’m going home again
Wishing be back to the time when we were more than
Still I see her in front of the church
The only place in town where I didn’t search
She looks so happy in her wedding dress
But she’s cried while she’s saying this
Out in the streets
Places where hungry hearts have nothing to eat
Inside my head
Still I can hear the words she said
I can still hear what she said
She is the girl and I really want to make her mine
I’m searching everywhere to find her again
To tell her I love her
And I’m sorry ’bout the things I’ve done
I find her standing in front of the church
The only place in town where I didn’t search
She looks so happy in her wedding dress
But she’s crying while she’s saying this
Boy I missed your kisses all the time but this is
Twenty five minutes too late
Though you traveled so far boy I’m sorry you are
Twenty five minutes too late
Against the wind I’m going home again
Wishing be back to the time when we were more than
Still I see her in front of the church
The only place in town where I didn’t search
She looks so happy in her wedding dress
But she’s cried while she’s saying this
Out in the streets
Places where hungry hearts have nothing to eat
Inside my head
Still I can hear the words she said
I can still hear what she said
Or else, you just might see her belongs to someone else..
Go for her? Let her go? Or keep her close?
You decide.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The distance
Separating family and me.
The fights.
Make us even further.
The happiness.
Might bound us together.
But how if i keep on being nagged by them.
Who can stand the ears to listen.
My mistakes my bad.
I realize.
But please, accept the way of living of a teenage girls mother.
At least a bit.
I don't wanna go.
I want to stay.
For good or for worst.
I'll be around.
Sedikit tentang. . . . .
Puasa hari ini.
Oh ya, dimulakan dengan hari ini, syif kerja ku 7am till 7pm.
Tetapi, agak bagus sedikit.
Hari ini aku tak rasa seperti sampah seperti 2 3 hari sebelum ni.
Tensen, serabut takda kes, bosan walau ada benda untuk dibuat.
Kenapa kah?
Aku pun tak pasti.
Rutin yang sama, tiada kerja, tiada tetamu.
Duduk saja. Mengadap delly sayang. Alang-alang dah bawak.
Dan, dah dua tiga hari jugak.
Ngidam nasik ganja.
Atau dengan nama lain.
Nasik ganja cik linda.
SEbelah umah tok aku saja~hahahha.
Makan sejak dari kecik lagi~
Rasa tak lari-lari..
Tekad tak makan nasik akhirnya lebur jugak harini.
oke lah, sekali sekala.
Baek dari si gemuk tu.
Gi bazar, sebok suruh orang beli itu ini~nak bagi ku gemok.
U gemok sorang sudah!.
Mode:Tenang sedikit, Alhamdulillah.
Cerita tentang semalam, bonda ayahanda tersentak lagi dengan ku.
LAgi dan lagi.
Ya Allah, kalau aku jauh dari mereka itu lebih baik bagiku, jauhkan lah aku sementara waktu.
Jika termaktub olehmu aku harus berada di samping mereka, bukakanlah jalanMu utkku Ya Allah.
Aku dah..kehabisan..idea..
PEnat sudah..
harap maklum..
Monday, August 16, 2010
Blood and red.
Are made as one.
Diba and delly.
Are couple.
We use to sleep together.
I hug delly.
I kiss.
I use to laugh in front of him,showing some happiness inside.
He keep being loyal to me.
Anytime i need him, he will be there.
That's his promise.
I need him.
As much as how i need him.
I use to write in front of him.
I use to drop my tears.
He knows everything.
My expressions, my feelings.
Diba love you~
Don't leave me..
Would die for you..
Who will keep me company..
Who will see me laughing alone..
Who will keep on hearing my nag..
Who will see my tears dropping..
if you ever know..
I feel very lonely~
Got nothing to do..
I'm not used to this new routine of life..
I love the past..
When i used to use you everyday..
To do my work..
To chat with friends..
Have movies.
I thought i was a fool for no one. oh baby i'm a fool for you.
When the visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surround you,
Are secrets and lies
I'll be your strength,
I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call,
Was standing here all along..
And I will take
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you
I've loved you forever,
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never...
Will you hurt anymore
I give you my word
I give you my heart
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow,
Forever has now begun...
Just close your eyes
Each loving day
I know this feeling won't go away
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you..
This I promise you..
Over and over I fall
When I hear you call
Without you in my life baby
I just wouldn't be living at all...
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surround you,
Are secrets and lies
I'll be your strength,
I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call,
Was standing here all along..
And I will take
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you
I've loved you forever,
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never...
Will you hurt anymore
I give you my word
I give you my heart
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow,
Forever has now begun...
Just close your eyes
Each loving day
I know this feeling won't go away
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you..
This I promise you..
Over and over I fall
When I hear you call
Without you in my life baby
I just wouldn't be living at all...
Every word I say is true
This I promise you..
This I promise you..
Something to share, to read, and to understand.~
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A friend of mine. "You know who you are"
Has said, her last goodbye.
Its hurt.
For the sake of something that she loves so much.
For the sake of keeping the other heart very well.
She just good at it.
I knew it.
I know she did this for good.
Wish the best for you.
And hope you know that, i still hoping that, we will still be like before.
Like we used to be.
I just remembered every second we spend time together.
The time we used to hang out.
The time we had movie together.
The time you smoked, and i watched.
The time you laughed, and me too.
The time you cried, and we did cry together.
Just can't see you crying, while i am happy.
Cause you are just too good for someone to be with.
But someone who really understand how you act, why you do so, why you talk like that.
I wanna thank you.
For all your kindness.
All the sweet moments.
We had together.
I'm hoping that.
It will remain in your heart and memory.
Even though my phone number might not be available in your phone any longer.
And you do not sms me at all.
Love you dear friend. Only He know it.
So long~;)
Didn't write, talk, nag, and sharing.
Blog seems lonely.
pity you my dear.
You know what, i hate myself for hurting others.
But, seems that i often being hurt.
So what should i do and how should i handle this matter?
simple words, with only four letters.
but, big impact like it does have thousand and millions of meaning.
be prepared for this people.
you might not aware of being hurt.
but once you are.
you will never forget.
and you tend to give less than you get.
what does it mean?
i myself still don't discover this yet.
let us together then readers.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Pertama dan akhirnya?

Sesuatu untuk dikongsi.
Iaitu nukilan hati.
Perasaan dalam diri.
Ikhlas dari hati kecil dan nurani.
Ramadhan pertama yang membuatku rasa tenang, dan betul-betul menghayati serta menghargai kedatangannya.
Yang membuatkan aku rasa teruja dengan kedatangannya.
Yang membuatkan aku menghargai setiap masa yang ada dengan aktiviti-aktiviti berfaedah.
Yang betul-betul membuatkan aku rasa sebak dan terasa seperti emas bertaburan didepanku.
Wah~sampai begitu kurasakan kedatangan ramadhan ini.
SUngguh. aku tak tipu.
Ramadhan yang membuatkan aku berjaya mengawal nafsu amarah, dengki, dendam, geram dan sebagainya.
Aku cuba elakkan benda-benda yang negatif.
Dekatkan diri dengan yang lebih positif.
Ish ish ish.
Besarnya rahmat Mu kurniakan kepada ku Ya Allah Ramadhan ini.
Sesungguhnya aku bersyukur.
selagi ia ada.
Tak lama pon, sebulan sahaja.
Tolak bendera merah, 3 minggu sahaja aku bersama mu ya Ramadhan~
SEtelah hamper 22 tahun menapak di bumi ni, baru ku sedar kemuliaan mu~
Thank You Allah,
I'm glad i'm still alive to appreciate what you give to us.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
2nd of ramadhan~
Alone at hotel, again.
haha a long sigh~
but then, a friend of mine will drop by and accompany me to break the fast~
thanx to you~~
Tomyam campur, plus telur dadar~plus~air kelapa muda~
Suddenly i realized that i really enjoyed cooking.
I think that i will cook for this whole month.
Improve my cooking skills, upgrade the taste, so it will be very tasteful!
Besides, i also realize that i enjoyed updating my blog, so that i can read it back in the future.
So that i might know what had happened in my life, even not at all, but a bit, still it is valuable. ;)
Salam ramadhan!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Berita sedih mematikan hariku.
Blog, cubaan kedua dalam temuduga.
Dalam cubaan memotivasi diri sendiri.
Ok la tu diba, dari 10000, tinggal 200, dari 200, tinggal 24~
Dan kau tergolong dalam 24 tu..
Walaupun kau tak lepas untuk temuduga bersama CEO..
Tapi kau tergolong dalam golongan-golongan yang lebih berumur, berpengalaman, luas ilmu pengetahun, jika nak dibandingkan dengan kau yang baru umur tak cukup 22 tahun..Dan mereka semuanya sudah berumur 24 tahun ke atas~
apa yang kau harapkan~memang tak lepaslah nak bertanding dengan mereka-mereka itu..
Yang dah bekerja 5 6 tahun.. Kau pulak freshie je~ sape nak pandang~~
Kau terpilih untuk bersama mereka untuk temuduga saringan~
Ok lah tu..
Diba diba..
Perbaiki diri tu..
Lebihkan diri tu dari orang lain..
Jangan anggap orang lain tu lagi bagus~
baguskan diri anda dari mereka-mereka itu~
Haes~ kesedihan menyelubungi diri..
Kekecewaan menghantui diri..
SEmakin terasa rendah diri..
Ramadhan kembali lagi..
11 Ogos 2010.
Tarikh keramat.
Ramadhan yang memberiku peluang untuk menyambutnya kembali bersama keluarga di rumah.
Aku terlalu teruja menyambut ketibaan Ramadhan kali ini.
Mungkin akibat 3 tahun berpuasa di rantau orang.
Kembali di samping keluarga, di hari pertama berpuasa.
Memang terbaik.
Sahur pertama, di Yasmeen Changloon, bersama ayah bonda.
Nasik kandar sepinggan, ayam dua ketul ku bedal sorang, plus teh tarik pulak tuh.
naseb lah esok puasa meh.
Oh Ramadhan, syukur syukur syukur.
Semoga segala yang terbaek untuk Ramadhan dan Syawal kali ini.
Buat kalian juga,
diba doakan yang terbaik untuk semua.
Minta maaf segala salah dan silap..
Minta halal apa terlebih terkurang..
Moga kesenangan dan kebahagiaan milik semua.
Moga keindahan Ramadhan kali ini kita hargai dengan sepenuhnya.
Tiada siapa tahu, adakah ia mungkin Ramadhan terakhir untuk diba, untuk kalian?
Maaf ya.
Gadis yang baik diciptakan untuk lelaki yang baik~
Jadi, yang rasa diri itu jahat, ayuh mencari pasangan2 yang jahat~
Jangan menyeksa pasangan anda yang baek itu.
Yang baik, jagalah apa yang terdapat disisi anda itu.
Nescaya, anda tidak akan dapat lagi manusia sebaik seindah itu pada zaman ini.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
You will regret
Have you ever been?
In a situation when?
You are like woke up from a long long dream.
And feels like wanna hurt and kill yourself.
When you let go of something priceless.
Very valuable in your life.
But you just realize when it belongs to someone else.
The one that you confident that might keep you on the right track of life.
The one that keep on praying.
Praying for the happiness of the love one.
Even though they themselves are suffering.
In order to keep you happy.
Ensure that you are always smiling.
Make sure that you have the greatest of all.
Nothing can change what had happened.
Nothing can turn back time.
We wish we could.
But we are just human being.
And why.
Why it happened.
If we could just wait for another second.
I will always be yours and you will always be mine.
Till death do us apart.
But then, we have to accept the fact.
That, what are meant to be not yours, will not still be yours.
What can we do is.
Keep on spending the quality time together.
It seems wrong.
But nothing else can be done.
So just pull the trigger..
p/s: it is just another story of what happened in the real life. it could be about you, you or me? or them? oh that's what we don't know. Could you all feel the wound?the hurt deep inside. the heart that are broken.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Sejarah kejadian yang tak pernah berlaku selama 8 tahun~

Satu kejutan telah berlaku~
Petty cash di dalam laci hilang.
Wink wink wink.
Kasihan kurasakan apabila bib yang terjaga mencari-cari petty cash yang hilang.
Dan tak jumpa.
Masuk2 hotel dah kecoh.
Telefon sana sini.
Telefon pakcik, telefon makcik.
Sambil tu aku turut bergosip dengan bonda.
Oh biasalah, kami sahabat baek.
Pakcik dan makcik, seperti biasa, tenang.
Dalam hati siapa tahu?
Oh susah menjadi orang senang ini, hidup mereka sentiasa di ganggu orang.
Rumah dipagari, setiap hari solat hajat, "benda" mengekori sana sini.
Berubat tak berhenti.
Siapakah yang menjadi dalang itu?
Siapakah pencuri itu?
Siapakah yang mengambil petty cash itu?
Oh itu yang kita tak tau.
Tetapi, kaunter ini cantik saja.
Sepertinya tiada kesan pencerobohan.
Hebat sungguh.
Langsung tiada kesan ditinggalkan.
Bib langsung tak sedar, orang masok di kaunter.
Monday, August 2, 2010
I am running.
Away. from you.
Clock is ticking.
Phone is ringing.
Finger keeps typing.
Hearts beating.
Eyes rolling.
Mouth yawning.
Yeah, this is just nonsense post.
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